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This leaflet has been produced to give you general information about your procedure. Most of your questions should be answered by this leaflet. It is not intended to replace the discussion between you and your doctor but may act as a starting point for discussion. If after reading it, you have any concerns or require further explanation, please discuss this with a member of the healthcare team.
Before your gastric balloon is inserted you should read this information leaflet in full. You should also meet with our specialist dietitian, who can talk to you about which foods you should be eating, your weight loss expectations and how to modify your diet and eating habits.
This procedure is performed as a day patient. You will not be able to drive after your procedure and you will need to arrange alternate transport home.
What is Intragastric Balloon treatment?
Intragastric Balloon treatment is a newer kind of weight-loss procedure.A saline-filled high-grade Medical silicone balloon will be placed in your stomach for six month with help of Endoscopic device under light sedation, which helps you lose weight by limiting how much you can eat. It also makes you feel a sensation of earlier satiety.
Who can have a gastric balloon?
Patients suitable for the gastric balloon must have a BMI (body mass index) of 27 or higher. The gastric balloon can be used in a staged approach for patients who are too heavy to go directly to weight loss surgery or as the main treatment for patients who are too high risk to have surgery. It can sometimes be used as an alternative for patients who do not wish to have surgery or do not meet the recommended minimum weight guidelines for surgery.
Body Mass Index
The BMI is one way to tell whether you are at a normal weight, are overweight, or have obesity. It measures your weight in relation to your height and provides a score to help place you in a category:
- Normal weight: BMI of 18.5 to 24.9
- Overweight: BMI of 25 to 29.9
- Obesity: BMI of 30 or higher
Who should not have the balloon?
The following conditions are not advisable for an intra-gastric balloon:
- Previous gastric surgery (includes any anti-reflux operation).
- Hiatus hernia 5 cm in size or greater.
- Significant coagulation disorder (blood clotting).
- Potentially bleeding lesion of the upper gastrointestinal tract.
- Pregnancy or desire to become pregnant, and breast-feeding.
- Alcoholism or drug addiction or significant mental health problems.
- Severe liver disease.
- Any medical / clinical reasons so you are unable to tolerate / undergo an endoscopy.
What does inserting the balloon involve?
This procedure involves an endoscopic inspection of the upper digestive tract followed by the placement of a temporary Saline filled balloon (made by SILIRUS) placed within your stomach for up to 6 months.
You may be offered either a local anesthetic throat spray or light sedation through a cannula in a vein while you are closely monitored in the endoscopy unit or theater. You may choose to have only local anesthetic throat spray but you should be prepared to have sedation and you must have someone that is able to take you home after your procedure.
An endoscopy is then performed which involves a thin flexible telescopic camera being passed through your mouth into your stomach to ensure there are no abnormalities in the gullet or stomach that might prevent placement of the gastric balloon (such as an ulcer or a large hiatus hernia).
The endoscopist then removes the camera and slides the rolled up collapsed balloon over the back of your tongue, and you are encouraged to swallow this down. This is the same size as the camera and no more difficult to swallow. The endoscopist then re-introduces the camera and watches the balloon as it is inflated with sterile saline (salty water) and a blue dye. The blue dye in the gastric balloon acts as a “warning system” and leaks from the balloon and are absorbed and changes your urine color temporarily to blue, this is a warning sign that you should seek immediate medical attention for removal of your gastric balloon and Removal of the gastric balloon should resolve the problem. The whole insertion of Gastric Balloon procedure takes 15-20 minutes
How does the balloon work?
“SILIRUS” Intragastric Balloon causes weight reduction by making you feel fuller more quickly during meals. The gastric balloon is a round, soft, fluid-filled balloon (around 400 -700 ml volume) lined by specially developed silicone to prevent your stomach acid from damaging it.
What are the Benefits of Intragastric Balloon treatment?
The placement of an intragastric balloon helps you lose weight and can lower your risk of serious weight-related health problems. Excess weight may increase the risk for many health problems, including
- type 2 diabetes
- high blood pressure
- heart disease and strokes
- certain types of cancer
- sleep apnea
- osteoarthritis
- fatty liver disease
- kidney disease
- pregnancy problems, such as high blood sugar during pregnancy, high blood pressure, and increased risk for cesarean delivery (C-section),PCOD
Why SILIRUS Intragastric Balloon?
- Simple endoscopic placement and Removal
- Day Care procedure
- No Scar
- No Stapling
- No Hospital Stay
- Feeling of Satiety
- Short recovery time
- Helps to change food behavior
How much weight will I lose?
The total amount of weight loss varies but some patients can lose as much as one third (33%) of their excess weight (that is the difference between the actual weight and the ideal body weight). While the gastric balloon is in place you will feel full more quickly, However you should concentrate on healthy eating, avoid constant snacking and avoid high calorie/high fat/sugar or high carbohydrate foods and drinks. Failure to lose weight is uncommon; however the balloon is part of a weight reduction programme and requires modifications in your diet and lifestyle and level of activity to be fully effective.
What happens after the balloon is placed in the stomach?
All patients require lansoprazole 30mg or omeprazole 20mg (PPI acid suppression) once in the morning before breakfast while the gastric balloon is in place (i.e. 6 months for most people) Many patients require anti-emetic (nausea medication) for one week after the insertion of the balloon.
Antispasmodic (cramp medication) may be required for a short period after the gastric balloon is first placed.
Diet with the balloon in place
First 24 hours
Sips of fluids only such as water, cordial juices, clear soups.
Days 2-5
Liquid diet, soups, milk, broth, jelly, liquidised food.
Day 6 onward
Semi-solid food, progressing to a healthy, calorie controlled diet.
- Eat regular meals, including 3 main meals and a snack in mid-morning and mid-afternoon.
- Do not consume the evening meal too late, and wait at least 2 hours after eating before going to bed.
- Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day (unless you have another medical reason that prevents you from doing so). Limit the consumption of liquids during meals.
- Eat slowly and chew carefully. Avoid hard nuts and seeds and anything that may damage the balloon.
- Avoid products containing simple carbohydrates (chocolates, honey, gelatin, ice cream, pastry, sweets, dried fruit, dates, raisins, prunes, etc.).
- Avoid beverages containing caffeine and carbonated drinks.
- Exclude foods difficult to digest based on your own experience.
- Use of sweeteners, in moderation, is acceptable.
- Avoid unnecessary foods or habits that increase gastric (stomach) acid.
- Follow the meal schedule provided by your dietitian as closely as possible.
Participate in physical activity according to your ability (swimming, bicycling, fast walking, etc.). Adopting a healthy level of activity will aid the weight loss process.
When and how is the balloon removed?
The gastric balloon must be removed with another endoscopy procedure no later than 6 months after insertion. Gastric balloon removal is done as a day case and no hospital stay is required. You should take only a liquidized diet for 48 hours before this procedure and be fasted for 12 hours before removal of the gastric balloon. The removal procedure involves insertion of the endoscope into the stomach, puncturing the balloon, evacuating its contents and then removing the outer casing of the deflated gastric balloon with the endoscope. The process takes no longer than 15 – 20 minutes and can be done under light sedation or just local anesthetic throat spray.