Guide Wire

Used for negotiating urinary tract.

Available in: PTFE, Striped, Hydrophillic Straight/Angled/J tip, Striped with Hydrophillic tip

Sizes: 0.018″, 0.025″, 0.028″, 0.032″, 0.035″, 0.038″

Length: 70 cm, 80 cm, 150 cm, 175 cm, 260 cm.

Dual Lumen Catheter

It is used to insert guidewire and inject contrast simultaneously. The tapered tip enables the dilation of ureter.

Sizes: 8 Fr, 10 Fr, 12 Fr

Length: 50 cm

Ureteral Catheter

Used for drainage, retrograde pyelogram, atraumatic entry of ureteral orifice and navigation of tortuous ureter.


Application: Open tip, Closed tip, Cone tip, Bulb tip

Sizes: 3 Fr, 4 Fr, 5 Fr, 6 Fr, 7 Fr, 8 Fr, 9 Fr, 10 Fr

Length: 70 cm

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